190 Trapelo Rd Redevelopment

Originally proposed in a 2016 resolution by Councilor George Darcy, the Universal Playground was approved by the city council Fernald Reuse Committee meeting on January 22, 2018. Funding was approved by the city council on December 11, 2023. I think this will be something that makes Waltham stand out and allows for people of all abilities to enjoy this property in a historic and unprecedented way. Cambridge built one in 2022 and it has been very well received. The largest one in New England when complete, the playground will include amenities for people of all abilities, including a grass general recreational area. Please see the design drawings below. These came from the bid document created by NESRA Engineering, a company that specializes in designing parks, playgrounds and recreational areas. They have designed several other Waltham parks and playgrounds. 

The complete bid document (source for photos above) for the current construction is HERE. This includes all details for what is being built on parcel 2A-1.

Respectfully, Bill Hanley, City Councilor, Ward 3.